

Peter-Vincent Schuld

The Netherlands seems to have become a postmodernist reserve for mental lepers, with the rise of Zwarte Piet demolition artist Sylvana Simons, alias Zwarte Griet, as the low point.

Black Brill doesn’t come in through your chimney, so you don’t have to brick up your vertical house exhaust pipe, madam comes in through your screen. Madam carries a media virus that is as contagious as the bubonic plague.

Last week, the media virus carried by Sylvana Simons spread to some weird Tilburger, a certain Herman Fitters.
These Fitters started complaining about a statue in the Wilhelminapark in Tilburg in honor of Peerke Donders, officially called “Petrus Donders”.

Peerke Donders was a man, briefly explained, who, after a career as a child labourer in the Tilburg textile industry, chose to hold the priesthood and eventually ended up in Suriname, where he set himself up as a guardian and helper of people who suffered from leprosy.

The house (replica in the same place) where Peerke Donders was born in the outskirts of Tilburg-Noord (De Heikant) with the Dutch and Surinamese flags side by side (c) Peter-Vincent Schuld

His body is buried in the left wing of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Paramaribo and to this day Peerke Donders is posthumously revered, venerated and even beatified before Pope John Paul the Second, both in Suriname and in the Netherlands.

The statue that has been erected in Tilburg dates back to 1926 and depicts the mercy of Peerke Donders towards a man stricken by leprosy by means of an imposition of his hand on the kneeling dark man’s head. The statue expresses nothing more and nothing less than charity seen from the perspective at the time when the almost hundred-year-old statue was erected.

Complaining canary Herman Fitters says he is ashamed of the statue that was declared a national monument in 2002.

According to Fitters, the sculpture would depict colonial and racial relations. Well Mr. Fitters…… I’m going to give you a diagnosis.
You are, I think, really suffering from mental leprosy. Your brain cells are apparently dying like dying cockroaches that have just received a visit from a pest controller.

Colonial past? May I take you back to 1975? The year in which Suriname, the stupidest mistake ever, became independent and was thus plunged into a political abyss with poverty and with the murder of 15 lawyers, politicians and trade unionists as the low point? A country that now has a president who is a convicted narco-criminal and also had his hand in the December murders of 1982.

Mr. Fitters, go headbanging with a dolmen, maybe that will help against your mental leprosy. Your in space serves nothing and no one and certainly not the Surinamese population, whom I love enormously, who just want to have a good life in an orderly constitutional state.

The statue of Peerke Donders with the posthumously hung medal “Officer in the Order of the Swan”(c) Peter-Vincent Schuld

Fortunately, there was an organization that did have the sense to give Peerke Donders and his statue the honor that was justified.
Pacte des Cygnes or the Swan Covenant. This is an illustrious society that strives for more connection between Dutch and Belgian Brabant in accordance with the borders of the old Duchy of Brabant, but within a united Europe. The organization gained fame by holding playful actions left and right as a kind of Bokkenruiters. The organization posthumously knighted Peerke Donders and the statue in question by awarding them with the medal belonging to the created “Officer in the Order of the Swan”.

In the deepest secrecy, the statue in Tilburg was provided with the medal and proudly shown to Facts Found.

In the Netherlands, the screaming cultural relativists are getting bigger and bigger. Of course, they have the right to speak on the basis of freedom of expression, which is the highest good. It is obvious that these types of characters get the attention of various media. Paying a lot of attention to things that are not important. Mr Fitters, no sane person is waiting for your stupid, no clear-thinking person is waiting for Sylvana Simons and her ilk. If you are really so concerned about the sad fate that befell the slaves of yesteryear, put your lame lazy legs out of your sleeves and start caring about the people in Suriname who are really having a bad time as a result of a “shithole” situation that arose after the independence of the country.


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