
Erdogan bestookt Koerden en drukt zichzelf en Turkije in isolement

Peter-Vincent Schuld

If there is one leader we should consider dangerous, it is Turkish President Rayip Erdogan.

It is in the interest of Turkey and the level of civilization in the country that there is a separation between Turkish society as a body and its head, read Erdogan and his AKP, through a political guillotine.

We know his incessant invexing abuse towards everything and everyone who disagrees with him.
The Dutch and German politicians are said to be “Nazis” in his eyes.
Very recently, he spewed his bile again by targeting the “Zionists.”

Erdogan continues to rant, continues to put journalists behind bars, continues to undermine the democratic rule of law, insofar as it still exists. I think that many liberal lovers of the rule of law would have no problem with Erdogan choking on a piece of baklava today or tomorrow.

Now the Kurds in Syria are being attacked by the Turks. Turkey does not like the fact that Kurdish militant groups are located near its borders. It could lead to an uprising and the formation of a Kurdish state.

The strikes are aimed at the Kurdish-Syrian YPG militias that were and are supported by the Americans in its fight against IS.
Erdogan doesn’t like that, but Trump doesn’t let himself be dictated to by that angry guy with the slightly wider Hitler mustache in Ankara. Russia also does not like the fact that Turkey has entered Syria and has already informed Ankara of this.

Yes, the YPG militias have an affinity with the Turkish-Kurdish PKK and yes, the PKK has reprehensible attacks to its name. Yes, both the PKK and the YPG envision a socialist model of state. But this ideology has long since given
way to a higher goal, namely the protection of Kurdish identity.

Turkey is apparently not only targeting YPG targets. According to a letter, the authenticity of which has yet to be established from Christian churches in Syria, they too would have come under fire. It is common knowledge that Erdogan has nothing to do with minorities, let alone Christians and Yazidis.

On the initiative of that other superpower, France, the UN Security Council is convened.

Syrian President Assad rightly states that Turkey’s actions in Syria are a violation of its sovereignty. Syria does not have to tolerate the presence of Turkish troops.

My prediction has come true, Erdogan’s megalomaniacal post-Ottoman behavior is breaking him up internationally. This is a turning point because it means a layer of masonry mortar in Kurdish independence separate from the Turks, separate from the Iraqis, separate from the Syrians and separate from Iran.

Kurds, unlike Palestinians, are a people and do have an ethnicity and, in my view, from an international law point of view, unlike the Palestinians, they are entitled to their own state with their own identity.

The joke of it all is that it is not out of the question that Erdogan has been lifted by the Israel in this. It is known in a limited circle that the Kurds are being helped from Israel and are still being helped.

The fact that the public is now only reacting with “concern” to Turkey’s actions has not so much to do with a possible dislike of the regime in Ankara, but rather with gaining time to exert diplomatic pressure on Turkey and to come up with scenarios behind the scenes. You could bet that Erdogan was going to target the Kurds in Syria. What’s going on here?

Erdogan is working on the Turkey of the day after tomorrow.

The superstates, i.e. Russia, America, China but also Israel are concerned with the Middle East in the medium and long term.

Erdogan is blowing, shouting and flexing his muscles, but he is also aware that he can plunge the region, including Turkey, into chaos from one moment to the next, from which it remains to be seen how Turkey and Erdogan himself will get out of it.

Europe has had enough of Turkey, its candidacy for membership of the EU has in fact disappeared into the shredder. So does Erdogan himself. Erdogan himself, apart from his own country and perhaps in Bosnia and Albania, has no real friends in the world, only acquaintances whom he occasionally insults.

Turkey’s flourishing economy had already been dented by the decline in tourism, but will be
even more dented by the continued quarreling by Erdogan, who still fancies himself the Sultan of the Middle East.

Under Erdogan, Turkey has slipped into almost a backward country. Intellectuals are rapidly applying for asylum abroad.

I often think back with nostalgia to the speeches of the late Turkish Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit and his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Cem, who sadly also passed away, at the European Summit in Helsinki in December 1999, where I saw both of them taking steps towards European integration at a distance of one metre from a distance of the now defunct Turkish civilisation.

So those days are over. Erdogan turned the clock back in time.

Erdogan has allowed Turkey to slide into a dictatorial rogue state, without freedom of the press, with magistrates, soldiers and journalists in prison. With intimidation and shutting down the biggest engine of prosperity in Turkey as well, the secular character of his country and its people. Believe me, Allah, no matter how big you think him is, no matter how many times you call on him from any high minaret, whether or not with your ass turned from Mecca, Allah does not give you anything to eat, money does.

Erdogan is going to break up a few things.

In order to bring back civilization in the Middle East, the Kurdish state is more than desirable, provided that a number of conditions are met.
Perhaps European politicians will now understand why Kurds have been demonstrating for a long time.

Turkey will then be stuck between civilizations and the Turkish population will then come to realize that Erdogan et al. only cause misery.

Turkey has long since ceased to have any business in NATO. There are no more “shared values”.

Incidentally, NATO in its current form is no longer a really important alliance, partly due to Erdogan’s antics.
It was not for nothing that US President Trump expressed skepticism about NATO.
Despite all the critics, Trump’s foreign policy and his visions are not so bad.
He knows very well what kind of meat he has in his proverbial hamburger tub in Ankara.
Trump is a lover of hamburgers, as we know, but that meat certainly doesn’t have to be “halal” from Trump.

Erdogan is now provoking attacks on Turkish territory and Erdogan will then try to invoke Article 5 of the NATO treaty to get assistance from the other NATO member states he has insulted time and time again. But other NATO member states are not at all keen to jump into Erdogan’s snake pit that Erdogan himself has dug and where Erdogan himself is the most “poisonous snake” in that hole.

Erdogan or should we say “Weirdogan” is not like detonated life-threatening heavy fireworks, which remain dangerous until the moment they are cleaned up.

Erdogan bestookt Koerden en drukt zichzelf en Turkije in isolement


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