#Nieuws & Actualiteiten

SCHOKKEND & ONTHULLEND: Islamitische verheerlijking van de Holocaust

Peter-Vincent Schuld

It was only recently that the editors of Facts Found received information that the most horrible anti-Semitic hatred was expressed in certain Facebook groups with an Islamic signature in the Dutch language.
The editors had indications for some time that pointed to online anti-Semitic hate speech. Among other things, the editors were alerted to hate speech in the Facebook group “multiculturals.bijeen 4G+”.
With the latest information in hand, Facts Found got to work.

The expressions of anti-Semitism and the related hatred in this Facebook group even went so far that a visitor to this group who wishes to remain anonymous, but whose identity is known to the editors, proceeded to report racism and hate speech to the police.

The declarant states about this “not normal man what is being said”. “It is mainly Moroccan and Turkish Muslims who give anyone who deviates in their eyes the prefix cancer.”

“It is not only Jews who are targeted, but also people with a negroid appearance who receive loads of racist insults,” the declarant states before continuing with: “Sylvana Simons talks about racism in our society, she should take a look at how Moroccans and Turks speak about black people, Jews and gays”. “You are shocked by such ideas.”

Donald Trump announced that he would move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. This decision caused some political controversy and serious violence against a Jewish restaurant in Amsterdam and a synagogue in Sweden. In the Facebook group involved, the news gave rise to numerous anti-Semitic statements and insults.
These statements were not limited to the news surrounding Jerusalem. The lighting of a candle on the occasion of the Jewish Hanukkah by the mayor of Arnhem, Ahmed Marcouch, was another reason to target the Jewish community and insult the Moroccan-Dutch mayor of Arnhem.

Facts Found selected a number of shocking postings from the Facebook group “Multiculturals together.4G+” and asked the respondents for a reaction. In this group, not only the Holocaust was glorified, but Jewish people were structurally wished death and destruction.

Posting 1:
From a certain Altay Guney who, according to his Facebook profile, is from Amsterdam.

Source: Facebook

The man in question posts a message in which he writes and repeats almost endlessly, accompanied by the Turkish flag, “We are Turks and we are going to exterminate your Jews.”

Facts Found confronted Alray Guney with his statements via Facebook. Guney did not respond to our questions.

Posting 2:
Originating from a certain Badr Morocoil, presumably an alias and according to his Facebook profile living in and coming from The Hague.

Source: Faceboo

Badr Morocoil posts a black-and-white photo of a father with his son, with the father pointing his finger. The black frame around the photo bears the text “Look Son, a KK Jew” (where KK stands for cancer -ed).

Facts Found confronted Badr Morocoil about his posting via Facebook. The man did not respond to our questions.

Posting 3:
From a lady who calls herself Jihane Jijie and profiles herself on Facebook as a lady who loves luxury.

This Jihane Jijie writes in bad Dutch “allee zionistische jews aan de gass”

This woman was also approached by Facts Found via Facebook to respond to her statements.
To this day, it has remained silent.

Posting 4:
From a lady who calls herself Karina Chauap.

Source: Facebook

Karina Cheeuw also writes in bad and incoherent Dutch: “Hitler was right about what is happening nowadays and how proud you are of it proves it, but you Jews are not called the accursed people after they were led for nothing, your punishment is yet to come”.

Facts Found has tried to ask the woman for a reaction via Facebook. The profile in question had been made inaccessible to the editor in this case.

Posting 5:
Coming from a certain “Mooke Conda”, the man says on his public Facebook profile that he lives in Antwerp and works at New Holland in Antwerp. The first name Mooke can possibly be seen as an abbreviation or corruption of Mohammed.

Source: Facebook

This man states in his posting, which is again written in bad Dutch: “We are going to kill you all, kk (cancer -ed) Jews and your children we are going to burn alive”.

This Mooke Conda was also approached by Facts Found to give a response which was “What are you talking about” after which the editor was blocked by the person involved.
His very likely employer, New Holland, reacted with great and genuine shock and was surprised by the statements of the employee presumably involved.

Posting 6:
Coming from a certain RA Mouss, his personal Facebook page does not tell where he lives or what kind of work he does, but it does show a photo of the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on which a large Palestinian flag has been photoshopped.

Source: Facebook

Mouss writes on Facebook: “He (Hitler -ed) put whores like this bitch in a room”. “Then they got a gas shower”. and continues: “He should have exterminated them all, these fucking weed people (Jews)”.

Time to ask this gentleman a few questions. Facts Found asked Mouss in writing via Facebook Messenger what his problem is with Jewish people and whether he thinks these expressions are normal? Mouss replied, leaving the sincerity of his answers to your judgment: “No, I have nothing against Jews at all”, “On the contrary, I respect Jews.” “I phrased it wrong,” Mouss states, “I directed it mainly at Zionist organizations,” while Mouss had just declared, “He should have exterminated them all, these weed people.” After Facts Found confronted him again with his statements, Mouss stated: “That was purely out of emotion in a heated discussion where emotion took over”.

After Facts Found confronted Mouss with the gravity and seriousness of his statements, Mouss continued: “Nothing against Jews, but against the Zionists.” What Zionists may be in Mouss’s eyes remains completely unclear.
After all, there are various forms of Zionism, and in terms of content it means no more than considering Israel as the “home for the Jewish population.” Mouss continues his argument that serves as an excuse for his glorification of the Holocaust with an incoherent tirade against Israel and speaks of a “single missile without effect.”

It should be noted, in fact, that the reason that there are no large numbers of deaths and injuries due to rocket attacks lies solely in the fact that Israel has installed an extremely effective missile defense system called “Iron Dome”. The defense system that protects Israeli civilians is so advanced that most of the missiles aimed at civilian targets are defused in the air.

Mouss ends his argument resolutely by stating, and we reproduce it exactly as Mouss wrote it: “I have cut another branch and you will not get through with this”. “Done with that charade,” he says militantly, with which the chat conversation by Mouss is stopped. Mouss does not answer any further questions. Reading his words again, Mouss’s utterances do not bode well.

Posting 7:
Courtesy of a certain Mohammed Tangier. After Facts Found had written to several respondents, the Facebook profile of this man on Mulitculturelen met 4G+ was suddenly gone. Facts Found did find another profile on Facebook with a similar name, but it was not the same person.

Source: Facebook

Mohammed Tangier, which is most likely also an alias, states the following: “The Zionists are going to experience something.” “Same idea as what they did with Palestine” we are taking over everything with their cities, bearing children and slaughtering them en masse”. Tangier continues: “One day bean will come for his reward, in aha Allah I will be there and otherwise at least 5 of my 10 children”.

In the absence of a matching Facebook profile, we were unable to ask this verbal abuser for a response. But his words seem to be heading towards an intention to commit genocide.

Posting 8:
As if it couldn’t be even more shocking, Facts Found came across an expression of a certain Necip Aksoy who says on his public Facebook profile that he studies financial professions at the ROC in Nijmegen and states that he lives in Yozgat in Turkey.

Source: Facebook

This man manages to post a comment on Facebook with a photo of a long row of small children behind barbed wire in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. He accompanies the photo of a written loud laughter, followed by “look those KK children waited then wejoo” referring to the imminent killing of the children involved in the photo and where “KK” stands for cancer.

We also approach this Mr. Aksoy with the question “why”? This time, however, there is a response. Aksoy declares, “My intention is not to sow hatred, but I’m tired of Islam being blamed every time and Islam being attacked every time in recent times.” When asked what this has to do with a photo of children facing their certain death, there seems to be a mea culpa from Aksoy’s mouth, for what it’s worth, and Aksoy continues (literally) “That’s right, I would have deleted my comment immediately, I take my comment back, it was a mistake”. When Aksoy was told that the murder of people is no laughing matter, Aksoy’s mea culpa suddenly evaporated. Aksoy states: “No, that’s right, but you (your reporter, ed.) have to act normal, I stop the conversation and don’t give permission to share with third parties”.

Mr. Aksoy probably does not realize that it is not Turkey in the Low Countries where there is censorship and journalists can be silenced. Aksoy’s communications are sufficiently relevant to offer them to our readers. His earlier expressed regret soon turned out to have given way to a verbal attack on your reporter.

Posting 9:
This last posting that we would like to inform you of concerns the posting of a lady who calls herself “Slouslatjeehh Chokolakeh”, says she lives in Antwerp and said on her public Facebook profile that she works as a childcare worker at “GO Basisschool De Pijl” in Antwerp. GO stands for Community Education, which is organised by the Ministry of the Flemish Community.

Source: Facebook

In the photo she looks so sweet, she pictures herself pouting sultry lips, but her statements can not be labeled as sweet at all. The lady immediately starts in her posting ” Subhannellah just look surah al baqara de do you know immediately what Allah swt was said about the jews you are a dirty people who are just cursed you are dirty. Olle men wear da witvding da never be washed wallahi when I was pregnant with every Jew I passed I had to spray perfume wherever he passed. Bah rotten people’.

The RA Mouss, quoted here earlier, who previously stated in front of Facts Found that he had nothing against Jews, replied to this with the words “HAMAS, HAMASSSS, ALL JEWS TO THE GAS”.

This lady was also asked for a reaction by Facts Found. But you guessed it, we didn’t get a response.
Facts Found called the school where this lady would work according to her public Facebook profile. To be precise, primary school de Pijl in Antwerp. An operator answered and we asked about the management and when asked what the telephone conversation would be about, we reported that it was about serious facts that an employee of the school involved is suspected of. The operator was “switching” for a while and returned shortly afterwards with the announcement “oh it’s definitely about those anti-Semitic statements”, the director will call you back if he feels the need to do so”. Facts Found had not yet released anything about the content of the case.

Agreed, so let’s make a quick phone call to the spokesperson of the competent Flemish Minister of Education and also Flemish Deputy Prime Minister Hilde Crevits. Facts Found presented the issue with a number of questions to which we were asked to ask the questions by email. No sooner said than done.

The mill had started turning, with the first result that in the meantime director Patrick Meekers of the primary school De Pijl had called back. Facts Found contacted the director Patrick Meekers again.
Meekers was surprised that a “Dutch medium” was involved in this case and continued by stating that he had recently received a message from a Jewish gentleman who had taken the remarks of the lady in question very seriously. The man who contacted the school had also managed to locate the workplace of the hate-monger involved by consulting the Facebook profile of the lady in question.

Meekers states that he contacted the woman via the last known email address and would have summoned her to remove the reference to her former employment immediately. Meekers also says he reported the incident to his superiors. Until the evening/night before we contacted the school, the hate-mongering lady with Islamic beliefs had not responded to the summons for removal. It was only when we approached the school that Facts Found, together with the school director Meekers, established that the profile of the lady no longer mentioned the (former) employment at the school in question.

Source: Facebook

Meekers began by stating that he “distanced” himself from the statements in question and that the employment relationship with the lady in question had come to an end in October 2016 for undisclosed reasons and that the woman did not have to come back. The woman would never have worked as a teacher but would have been active in the before- and after-school care of children. After Facts Found asked how Meekers felt knowing that someone had worked with children at his school who held these kinds of ideas, director Meekers suddenly became very unfriendly and hostile towards Facts Found. “The Dutch are much more proficient in language and your journalists write down everything you want,” Meekers fulminated instead of answering relevant questions calmly, normally and civilly. Incidentally, Meekers also reacted with enthusiasm to our announcement that we had also asked the Flemish Minister of Education for a response. Meekers sneered at the question of whether Facts Found would immediately turn to the King in the event of any incident.

The conversation became more grim on the part of school director Meekers when the name of the director in question was asked about the correct spelling of the name of the director in question. The headmaster could not or would not spell his name and therefore disconnected the editors, after which the editors consulted the public data of the school to verify the correct personal details. De facto, the school, through its director, distanced itself from the statements of its former employee, but not a straightforward word of disgust or horror, not a word of sympathy or empathy towards the Jewish community.

Incidentally, Flemish Education has www.g-o.be a lot of talk on its website about “Equal opportunities, Quality education, Learning and living together”.

To the series of questions posed by Facts Found to Minister Hilde Crevits, there was only a meagre answer that read: “The school has confirmed to me that the woman has not been employed since October 2016. ” Like the school, I disapprove of the statements.”

The school, through its director, did not disapprove of the statements, but merely distanced itself from them. In response to questions from Facts Found to the minister whether there is not a need for better screening of people who come to work in education and whether the safe learning environment of children by people with these kinds of sympathies has not been compromised or could be compromised again, the minister did not want to answer, not even after insistence from Facts Found.

The Dutch police have stated to Facts Found that they have recorded the report and that they have sent the case internally to the departments for processing. In practice, this means an investigation into the facts and (possible) suspects.

This wave of anti-Semitic expressions and beliefs that are used and espoused by mainly people with a Muslim background is a major concern. A few days ago, the Iranian-Dutch legal scholar Afshin Elian wrote a strong opinion piece for the website of www.elseviersweekblad.nl. under the title “Anti-Semitism is imported through immigration”.

The editors of Facts Found will continue to closely monitor developments on this issue.

SCHOKKEND & ONTHULLEND: Islamitische verheerlijking van de Holocaust

De moderne VOC en de grootschalige handel

SCHOKKEND & ONTHULLEND: Islamitische verheerlijking van de Holocaust

Het antwoord van Facts Found op fake

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