Potvis overlijdt op Zeeuws strand

Peter-Vincent Schuld A cold Friday, the first day of December this year. A sperm whale has washed up on the beach near Domburg in Zeeland. Presumably, the animal was still alive when it washed ashore, but once stranded, the male colossus could not return to the water and died. A tragic end to a special […]

UNILEVER in 2017: Een turbulent jaar voor een megaconglomeraat

Peter-Vincent Schuld There has been quite a lot of buzz around the food, cleaning and personal care products group Unilever this year. Unilever, which has headquarters in both Rotterdam (Unilever NV) and London (Unilever Plc), announced that it will soon make a decision from which it will definitively manage its global business activities. This will […]

Wat komt er uit het stopcontact? Duur of Duurzaam?

Peter-Vincent Schuld We recently wrote that Belgium is trying to reduce CO2 emissions by private households through fiscal measures by reducing the taxes on electricity and increasing those on gas and heating oil. But the taxation of energy consumption is also a hot topic in the Netherlands. In 1996, the energy tax was introduced in […]

Minerva: een prestigieus Belgisch automerk dat teloor ging

Peter-Vincent Schuld Nothing in a society remains the same. The same goes for the economy. Factories are closing, people are losing their jobs, brands are disappearing. Even if they were once iconic. Even at the end of the 19th century, Antwerp had a pull effect on the Dutch. Actually, with the exception of the war […]

Onbevangen en vrij versus de politiek correcte inquisitie

Peter-Vincent Schuld Our society has associations of frustrated and know-it-all individuals. Equipped with a big mouth with the social relevance of a mayfly and the mind an amoeba. If you don’t have an opinion of your own, you’ll be talked into one. Those who are a little less strong in their shoes can expect so […]

Complexe energieperikelen in de lage landen

Peter-Vincent Schuld Will the gas tap be closed further in the north of the Netherlands? Will new gas-fired power plants open in Belgium? The Netherlands and Belgium partly share the same language, we were once, a long time ago, 1 country, but nowadays our interests are and remain sometimes divergent. The Netherlands is facing serious […]


Peter-Vincent Schuld The barbarity of mankind often makes my blood boil. Especially when defenseless animals become the object of man’s sickening sense of power and superiority, mixed with a piece of pure sadism. Even pure ignorance towards animals is starting to get out of my throat. I get more and more sympathy for people who […]

België pakt Co2-uitstoot huishoudens fiscaal aan

Peter-Vincent Schuld Private households will pay considerably more for heating on gas and heating oil. Negotiations between the federal minister Tommelein and the regional ministers of the Brussels city-region, Flanders and Wallonia , which have been dragging on for almost three years now, seem to be turning into an “energy pact” in which a shift […]

Geen speciale gelegenheid, maar toch even terug denken aan Jean “Toots” Thielemans

Peter-Vincent Schuld Does there always have to be a special reason to put someone in the spotlight or to commemorate them? I don’t think so. Do you always have to list someone’s entire doings so that it becomes a belated obituary? Don’t think so either. So where is this story going? Maybe to nowhere. Maybe […]

Can we expect anything from the climate conference in Bonn?

Bernd Carpenter Fiji warriors have opened the 23rd International Climate Conference in Germany. 25,000 participants from 193 countries will discuss the practice after the Paris climate agreement. Only Syria and the United States do not support this agreement. But are we talking about the real problems and are the expectations simply too high? Talks will […]