OPNIEUW SCHOKKEND: Aankondiging van moord & Transgenders en homo’s voorwerp van moordlust in islamitische Facebookgroep

Peter-Vincent Schuld Recently, we brought together the factual story about online glorification of the Holocaust by Muslims living in the Netherlands and Belgium in the Facebook group Multiculturals 4g+. A story full of perceived hatred and insane murderous intent. Numerous mainly Muslim members of the Facebook group Multiculturals 4G+ continued to spew violence and murder […]

Vier het leven, Vier de Vrijheid: Bescherm het vrije leven!

Peter-Vincent Schuld It’s never fun to have to write about heavy topics in which you have to deliver bad or shocking news. You do your job, you hear both sides, but all the time you ask yourself “did I understand everything correctly”. You not only ask critical questions to others, but also to yourself, you […]

Het antwoord van Facts Found op fake news

Peter-Vincent Schuld Welke berichtgeving kun je vertrouwen en welke niet. Fake news, er wordt volop over gesproken en maatregelen worden geïnitieerd. Google en Facebook zeggen te gaan optreden, zelfs de politiek kondigt bemoeienis aan. De redactie van Facts Found wordt altijd wat achterdochtig als bedrijven en de politiek zich met dit soort zaken gaan bemoeien. […]

SCHOKKEND & ONTHULLEND: Islamitische verheerlijking van de Holocaust

Peter-Vincent Schuld It was only recently that the editors of Facts Found received information that the most horrible anti-Semitic hatred was expressed in certain Facebook groups with an Islamic signature in the Dutch language. The editors had indications for some time that pointed to online anti-Semitic hate speech. Among other things, the editors were alerted […]

De moderne VOC en de grootschalige handel in dieren en toch gaat het beter

Bernd Carpenter Farmers in the Netherlands are doing well. A great year, but for the animals it was just a disastrous year like any other. The income of most agricultural entrepreneurs has improved. A farmer earns an average of 78,000 euros, which is no less than 16,000 more than last year. Piglet and laying hen […]

Energietransitie: Politieke en economische realiteiten

Peter-Vincent Schuld Coal-fired power stations must be closed, according to the experts. How do poorer countries in the world deal with the climate issue when their own economies do not even provide for the minimum livelihood of people? What are the consequences of the climate targets for the economy? What has been going on in […]

Verhuizing VS ambassade naar Jeruzalem legt daadwerkelijk antisemitisme weer eens bloot

Peter-Vincent Schuld Whatever you may think of U.S. President Donald Trump, his decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem shows great courage. Only the Czech government had the guts to follow Trump’s decision and openly recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Trump’s decision is a principled choice. I think that those who argue that this […]


Peter-Vincent Schuld Of course, I’ve seen a lot of misery in my career as a photojournalist. Injury, grief, death, displaced persons, disasters and here and there a solid crisis area. Although I am still no stranger to the adrenaline, to go to work in the event of an emergency, I no longer feel the need […]

Mannen schieten om dieren te doden

Bernd Carpenter The beautiful nature gives people a truly good feeling. More than 27,000 men and women in green turn the fields red every year to share the shot animal with loved ones through the creation of suffering. Whether it’s a nuisance, overcrowding, or just for fun, many animals are outlawed in seasons that run […]