

Peter-Vincent Schuld

It is with extremely mixed feelings that I look at the countless testimonies about sexual abuse and alleged sexual abuse and sexual harassment.

Let there be no ambiguity about it; I strongly condemn actual and actual sexual abuse; underlined and bolded.

The reason I condemn these offenses is not because I myself fell prey to them in my adolescent years.
Yes, it happened to me too. I never dared to tell it at home out of shame. In my experience, the family in which I grew up had the shoulder burden of the extremely conservative puritanical and in fact that was also the case with the note that my late father was much more worldly than I realized at that age, as well as I only realized later that I could have told my father.
My father had pulled the head off the perpetrator’s torso. The perpetrator in this case has been dead for more than 25 years.

I did try to tell a good friend who dismissed it as nonsense.
At the time, I couldn’t place the reason for dismissing it.

I fear that his rejection of my story may have had more to do with the possible fact that he himself had also fallen victim to the same person at the time and wanted to oppress it. I suspect that he could not or did not dare to confront it.

This friend took his own life in the first month of 2016. If I put all the pieces of the puzzle together afterwards and reconstruct his life, I fear with a probability bordering on certainty that I am not far from the truth.
He never told me much about what was really going on in his head. I sensed a twistedness somewhere. An ex-girlfriend of mine once caught him taking away her lingerie. Later he confessed to me that he liked to dress himself in women’s clothes and so there were several indications that he had a causal history with a dark side. Everyone has their own way of dealing with trauma.

I myself did not dwell on anger about what happened to me. I haven’t forgiven, nor have I forgotten. But it is not a loaded and limiting part of my daily thinking and doing. The shame and disgust about what happened to me has developed in a completely different form. It has developed in my being into the fact that I am not ashamed of who I am, I am not ashamed of my body and I have been able to place myself above the perpetrator, above the facts and above the ballast.

Standing above the ballast actually means that you no longer carry the ballast. It’s underneath you. In my head, my feet are not in contact with that ballast either. I floated over it, without the ballast being able to form an insurmountable obstacle.

How could something like this have happened in my head? I don’t know.

In doing so, I am in no way trivializing the suffering that has been inflicted on others. The suffering has far-reaching and often lifelong consequences for the victims.

I myself have always led a very sexually active life in which nature brought a variety of lovely women on my path with whom I was able to experience a lot of fun, pleasant and exciting moments. All the more reason to celebrate the fun and leave bad ones behind.

I am a libertine with a hedonistic outlook on life. This freedom taken and conquered also means responsibility. Learning to respect and feel each other. After all, in my opinion, sexuality is only fun when both or involved partners enjoy it equally.

That also means sensing what and when something can or cannot be done. Sex is an art form of life.
The synergy of feeling, seduction and attraction. The freedom of sexuality is not limited but refined and delineated by what both or the partners involved find pleasant and can also indicate this.

“Sexuality in conjunction with morality” is a bad combination in my opinion. After all, morality is often dictated by cultural and religious views.

“Sexuality in inextricable connection with ethics” is more appropriate in my opinion. After all, people are central to this concept. The focus here is on whether there is mutual consent, whether the partner involved is able to express his or her will and set limits. The central issue here is whether there is a question of mental capacity in relation to age, mental state and even power relations. Ethics also places a responsibility on the shoulders of people who, out of revanchist motives, later want to pillory their sex partner for alleged abuse.

Because that also exists and perhaps it is more common than we all think.

Let’s be brief and clear about it. Rape is a crime, a serious crime. Not to be justified, not to be approved.
Rape within relationships and are equally reprehensible and downright sickening!

Now we have entered an era in which coming out openly and without shame about what has happened to you has degenerated into degenerating into declaring people “guilty” too publicly without any form of justice. This is totally unacceptable.
Publicly accusing people seems to have become a form of entertainment, and that is a damn dangerous development in a state governed by the rule of law.

Pillorying someone because sexual acts were ultimately consensual is reprehensible.

Falsely accusing someone of criminal acts is also a crime and not just a crime.

After all, with our “social media in 2017”, the unjustly targeted person will be haunted by the unjustified pointing for his life and far beyond his transient existence. Rehabilitation is more often recognized or granted posthumously than during life.

After all, the users of social media, their hemispheres, but also those of the media in general, do not often not rely on the decision of the Public Prosecution Service whether or not to prosecute or the final verdict of the judges.

No, the uproar preceding the sentencing is almost equivalent to a people’s court. The majority of people do not base themselves on facts but on rumors and assumptions. Even if a judge or a court pronounces “innocent” 100 times, the haze of suspicion lingers around that person and has therefore been given a life sentence. There have been cases in which innocent people who have been blamed extrajudicial have ended up committing suicide. As a “depositor of a false declaration” you simply have a life on your conscience, together with the non-independent thinkers.

Our constitutional state has the fundamental concept that ‘a person is only guilty if it has been legally and convincingly proven’.
This legal principle that stands like a house, but that “house” is often demolished before that justice has even been served.

In a state governed by the rule of law, people are only guilty if the charges have been legally and convincingly proven by the court (c) Peter-Vincent Guilt

Therefore, I hereby make an urgent appeal to all those who intend to come forward;

If there really has been actual sexual abuse and you are convinced of it, do not hesitate to go to the police.

When in doubt… Then try to go over all the facts in your memory realistically and factually, and stay honest.

If it didn’t happen and all you want to do is harm or harass someone, seek psychological help and realize that you can mark someone for life and even kill them, and you’re no better than those bastards who couldn’t keep their paws off someone else.


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