Vrijheid, Stabiliteit maar stevig Voorbereid!

By Peter-Vincent Schuld In far too many European cities, ambulances and hearses carrying the often mutilated victims drove away from the places where Islamic terrorists carried out their attacks in a degrading manner. It does not detract from the journalistic independence of your reporter to label these facts as disgusting and purely deranged murderousness. One […]

Ook olifanten hebben liefde nodig!

By Peter-Vincent Schuld Your memory will function better than an elephant’s only once, only once. When? If you’ve ever had a cuddle with a baby elephant’s trunk. It happened to your reporter and he never forgot it. With him many others who have had the honor of receiving a hug from these special and very […]

Woelig Europa

by Peter-Vincent Schuld The credit crisis, massive flows of migrants, Greece’s debt problems and meddling in national regulations. It is a constant concern for the citizens of the European Union, and the citizens of Europe continue to grumble In the Netherlands, the European Constitution was successively consigned to the shredder in referendums and a few […]

Economische Weerberichten

Door Peter-Vincent Schuld Het mag met de economie goed lijken te gaan. Toch liggen er voortdurend disrupties op de loer die het bedrijfsleven hard kunnen treffen. Terreurdreiging, onafhankelijkheidswensen van regio’s. maar ook mismanagement doen gevestigde ondernemingen in het bedrijfsleven hard op hun grondvesten trillen en soms laten kieperen. Er is niet veel voor nodig om een […]